Application of Brassinolide on Rice

Brassinolide has improved seed vigor, increase germination rate; promote plant growth, increase yield; improve fruit set rate, promote fruit enlargement; improve seed setting rate, increase grain weight; enhance plant drought tolerance, cold resistance; enhance the disease resistance of plant; reduce phytotoxicity; prolong the natural preservation time, enhanced resistance to storage; application in tissue culture on the unique function, can adjust the plant tissue differentiation, known as the sixth hormones, very suitable for rice cultivation. Rice with brassinolide soaking, can improve the seed germination potential, germination rate, seedling tidy, Miao Zhuang, developed root system, increase seedling cold resistance, used for the kind of quantity. Rice tillering sprayed brassinolide, can increase the effective tiller number, spike number, thus increasing yield. In the heading stage, prone to neck blast, sprayed brassinolide, can promote the orderly heading. In the filling stage of brassinolide sprayed rape, continue to enhance leaf photosynthesis rate, the increase of photosynthetic products, promote the photosynthesis of nutritional products to promote grain conveying, grouting, achieve full grain, increase production. In addition, brassinolide also enhanced the resistance of rice blast and sheath blight, bacterial leaf blight, powdery mildew, rust disease ability, reduce the use of pesticides.