The use of DA-6 concentration, method

Wheat, rice seed soaking concentration: 10-15mg/L methods: 12-24h, the spray tillering, booting stage, filling stage one effect: increase the germination rate, seedling (seedlings) strong, improve the drought resistance ability, dry hot wind resistance, increase the seed setting rate and 1000 grain weight of cotton yield; concentration: 10mg/L method: the soaking seedling, spray 24h bud, flower and boll stage one effect: Miao Qi, Miao Zhuang, improve resistance of peach, spend more, increase boll weight; tomato, eggplant, pepper, pepper concentration: 10-20mg/L method: the seedling stage, flowering stage, fruiting period spraying 2-3 effect: the seedling growth of Qi, improve stress resistance, flower and fruit retention and improve the seed setting rate, obvious yield increasing effect, improve the quality of grape, peach, plum,; plum, apricot, hawthorn fruit, loquat concentration: 6-12mg/L methods: flowering, fruit setting, fruit enlargement of the spraying a effect: flower and fruit retention, increase resistance, increase the yield, improve the quality of.